From Music Bingo to Muzingo

Music Bingo

At the thought of music bingo, what comes to your mind? Definitely, it’s that game often played in community centers, churches, and bingo halls, making it a social activity that brings people together. It’s known for its simplicity and the excitement of waiting for your numbers to be called. This is the evolution of music […]

Online Music Bingo

Top music games

Music Bingo is that engaging game which combines the classic excitement of bingo with the universal language of music. This interactive and entertaining activity is perfect for a wide range of settings, from casual social gatherings to corporate team-building events. To understand what music bingo is all about fully, read up our article on what […]

What is Music Bingo

Music Bingo

It’s Friday night, what comes to your mind? Definitely, unwinding the weekend and chilling with family and friends. What’s the best way to do that if not having a game night with music bingo. Through this, a fun and relaxed atmosphere is created. Introduction to Music Bingo Music Bingo is that engaging game which combines […]

The Christmas Guide to the Best Family Games

Family Christmas Bingo

In Andy Williams’s voice, Christmas is indeed the most “wonderful time of the year” for everyone, whether they choose to celebrate it or not. It is an avenue to reflect on what the year brought and how we were able to handle it as individuals and as a family.  Since family is usually everything in […]

How to Create the Ultimate Music Bingo Card.

Creating the “Ultimate Music Bingo Card” is the dream. A card so unique that you can play it for hours on end; Multiple times and still not get sick of playing it. To do that, you’ve got to take your time and carry out proper research because that’s the best way to get it right.  […]

Muzingo on the Move: Top Travel Playlists for Every Destination

I remembered a certain time when I embarked on a very long journey, my phone was fully charged, I had travel playlists but I didn’t have an earpiece, earphone, ear pod, earbud or whatever people use now to listen to music. It was such a horrible experience for me as I was confined to looking […]


The digital revolution has transformed how we interact with music, opening doors for families and friends to connect through shared sonic experiences. Music games, a ubiquitous genre, not only provide entertainment but also offer a hidden advantage, the potential to enhance cognitive development. Music to Your Brain: Music games aren’t just about fun; they engage […]

The Musician Guide to Bingo: Why it’s More Than a Game

Musical guide to music bingo

Where would we be without music? What can we do without songs? In your spare time—that’s if you haven’t tried it already—imagine a world without songs or melodies. When you are done, take another time out to appreciate all the music artists around the world for providing an escape route from stress, depression, and other […]

Step-by-Step Guide; How to Create Your Own Bingo Game.

How to create your own bingo game

If you’re familiar with Bingo games then you know making your own custom game to suit your interests is relatively easy, if you know how and where to go of course. By creating your own “tailor-made” game, it makes it easier to follow along; so you won’t be dumbfounded while playing and that makes it […]

How Gamified Music Platforms are Changing the Game

Muzingo party

Music is the core of our human existence, take away music, and you’ll see lots of depression springing up, suicide rate inflating. Yes, music is life. Now, imagine adding this power to music streaming, that’s where gamification comes in. From Smartico, here are three takeaways from the gamification of music platforms: From the above, quoting […]

The Future of Music is Collaborative: How Muzingo Connects You to Your Music Tribe

Music many a time ain’t all about communication, but one distinguishing feature of music is the fact that music is a shared experience. Music provides an intimately shared, embodied experience rather than communicating a specific message. Music is capable of providing a communion, an intimately shared experience between listener and listener and between listener and […]